The Virtual Manufacturing and Design Laboratory for Medical Devices (VirtualMDLab) at USF is an interdisciplinary facility with high-end technologies in the areas of product design and manufacturing with emphasis in medical devices.
The aim of the VirtualMDLab is to meet the medical devices and equipment industry needs for engineering professionals while integrating hands-on experiences on medical device design and manufacturing realities into the engineering curriculum at USF.
VirtualMDLab is sponsored by the College of Engineering at USF, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Education Foundation, the Center for Applied
Research in Medical Devices (CareMed), the Florida Medical Manufacturers' Consortium, Inc.,
and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support the medical devices and equipment industry through the realization of industry
projects that will prepare students for careers in design and manufacturing of medical devices. The VirtualMDLab's modern
design and manufacturing facilities include CNC lathes and milling machines, fused deposition modeling (FDM) rapid prototyping
equipment, 3D printer, 3D laser scanner, virtual haptic interfaces, and CAD/CAM software.
VirtualMDLab is a collaborative effort of experienced faculty from the departments of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, the Center for Applied Research in Medical Devices (CareMed), and the Rehabilitation Engineering & Technology Center at USF.